On Tue, 2 Jul 2013 15:18:04 +0430, takCoder wrote:
> i found the answer! if i add a "-n" parameter to /boot.config file, the
> mentioned feature will be disabled..

Sorry for my confusion. The option you've successfully found
is documented in "man 8 boot" (which also provides a short
description of the stages performed at system boot). That's
why it's good to know how the different components of the
boot process are named so it becomes more logical where to
search. :-)

>From the manual page:

        -n    ignore key press to interrupt boot before loader(8)
              is invoked.


     However, it is possible to dispense with the third stage altogether,
     either by specifying a kernel name in the boot block parameter file,
     /boot.config, or, unless option -n is set, by hitting a key during a
     brief pause (while one of the characters -, \, |, or / is displayed)
     before loader(8) is invoked.  Booting will also be attempted at stage
     two, if the third stage cannot be loaded.

It's always good to know where thine documentation is. ;-)

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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