On 05/08/2013 03:01, Gary Aitken wrote:
> 50C isn't crazy.
Actually, the 50C figure is just where it shoots to for starters.
Mfg specs say 62C max, so I stall the process when it gets around 59
and still climbing steeply.

The manufactures specs I found when I looked that range of CPUs up was 71C


But there could be two figures - one for maximum desirable working and one for maximum "or else".

Did you get anywhere with the ACPI suggestion <snip> Try
hw.acpi.thermal.tz0.active=1 to make the fan come on and stay on (tz0
or as appropriate).
The fan is on and stays on all the time at the moment...

It it full speed all the time?

Here's the fun part. Is your system doing a thermal overload
shutdown? <snip>
There is no indication in messages; the last thing before it shut down
the last time was some su's and root logins.

This suggests it's not the ACPI in FreeBSD shutting you down, but something on the motherboard.

it might help if you posted the results of "sysctl hw.acpi.thermal",
but in the mean time look at:

hw.acpi.thermal.tz0._HOT hw.acpi.thermal.tz0._CRT

I don't see any of those; here's what shows up in sysctl -a :

hw.acpi.supported_sleep_state: S1 S3 S4 S5
hw.acpi.power_button_state: S5
hw.acpi.sleep_button_state: S1
hw.acpi.lid_switch_state: NONE
hw.acpi.standby_state: S1
hw.acpi.suspend_state: S3
hw.acpi.sleep_delay: 1
hw.acpi.s4bios: 0
hw.acpi.verbose: 0
hw.acpi.disable_on_reboot: 0
hw.acpi.handle_reboot: 0
hw.acpi.reset_video: 0
hw.acpi.cpu.cx_lowest: C1

Yep - definitely suggests that the thermal control isn't being done by FreeBSD! Go no further on this route, but check the motherboard/BIOS. I had one machine shut itself down due to a faulty thermistor (raise the threshold/ignore) but it normally happens when the parameters are wrong or the fan has failed. As your fan hasn't failed and the reported temperature is believable my best guesses are that the BIOS is either picking the wrong shutdown temperature for the CPU or your air ducting isn't good enough and it really is getting too hot. Is there a chance that the BIOS pre-dates the CPU and just doesn't know its working parameters, and is therefore playing safe?

Incidentally, ACPI is an Intel specification but applies AMD64 CPUs too. The thermal module only works on some chip-sets. FWIW I've found it works on more AMD platforms than it does Intel ones.

Regards, Frank.

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