On Sat, Sep 14, 2013 at 02:22:12PM +0200, O. Hartmann wrote:
> I use for my day to day work teTeX, but I run more and more into
> several limitations due to the fact, teTeX isn't any more (and
> regretably) maintained/developed by Th. Esser (that is what I know).

Upstream teTeX has indeed been deprecated in favor of TeXLive.

> Well, TeXlive is now in the ports tree, but I had recently on a server,
> on which I tried to migrate, massive problems with the most recent
> CURRENT, where gcc is completely gone (luckily) and converters/iconv
> has been removed. I can not clearly say what causes the problems, since
> there seem to be remains of teTeX in the system, but they are needed
> for some essential facilities and I do not dare ripping them off.

Was your machine updated from 9.x to CURRENT? In that case you should really
remove _all_ ports and re-install them. That is the only way to get rid of old
junk when switching to a new major version.

> Before I start time consuming experiments, I'd like to ask whether
> there is a smooth way of migration. And for that, please enlighten me
> how I can extract those ports installed and needed by teTeX (a kind of
> port-traceback of required ports) and delete them, as far as they do
> not share common  "being required by xxx port", too.

Personally I don't think TeX is a good fit for the ports tree (because of
duplication of effort). I installed TeXLive using its own installer long
before it was present in the ports tree.  Since TeXLive is very complete and
self-contained, I don't have other ports that depend on TeX. I am certain that
TeXLive has pre-built binaries for FreeBSD 9, but I don't know about CURRENT.

To see which ports require (parts of) teTeX, use `pkg_info -Rx tetex`

R.F.Smith                                   http://rsmith.home.xs4all.nl/
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