On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 6:25 AM, Polytropon <free...@edvax.de> wrote:
>> With GPT, there is no reason to use BSD disklabels at all.
> And most modern computers do not have any problem booting it.
> The old MBR approach (as well as dedicated) will probably only
> be needed in niche applications and exceptions. You can have
> all the advantages of "being easy stuff" known from dedicated
> layout by using the GPT tools, plus you gain "more compatibility"
> if this matters.

Not entirely. Due to GEOM specs, if you create a GELI encrypted
container, you cannot use GPT partitioning inside that container. You
must use BSD. This is an edge case, and I've submitted a bug about it
a while ago, but like I just said, this is apparently a feature not a
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