On 28. sep. 2013, at 00:03, Frank Leonhardt <fra...@fjl.co.uk> wrote:

> If I understand the way it works correctly, the resolver pulls a list of the 
> NS and hard-sets the port number for each to 53 (via a manifest constant) . 
> See libc/resolv/res_init.c. All you need to do(!) is change this to a value 
> of your choice and recompile libc

Sorry, but this is startin to look a lot like a complicated solution to a 
problem that isn't really there...

Why not just point from resolv.conf to localhost, run a caching and/or 
recursive dns-server there, and point it whereever?

As far as I can tell, that'd solve everything, add caching, and let it all be 
controlled from the config of the DNS-server?


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