On Mon, 9 Feb 2004 23:26:51 +0800
"Kathy Quinlan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > > If I select option 5 (verbose debug) it gives the following error
> > > message:
> > > ACPI autoload failed - no such file or directory.
> > > 
> > 
> > 
> > Have you tried option 2 (no ACPI)?
> Yeap, only option that does not hang is 6, but it would if I sent it
> back on its way lol

Can you give more debug info?  The kernel prints out copious messages to the screen 
when it's loading.  If they go by too quickly to catch, you can press Scroll-Lock, and 
then either use the arrow keys or the PageUp/PageDown keys to navigate.

It'll be quite a lot of typing, unless you're booting from a serial console and can 

- Dimitri
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