> On Sun, Mar 07, 2004 at 11:28:03PM -0500, JJB wrote:
> > Right at the beginning of sysinstall should be warning  about what
> > to set PC bios options to, like plugNplay off, power management off,
> > boot time virus check disabled, PCI irq assignments set to auto, OS
> > type set to non-windows, ect. Give then option to cancel sysinstall
> > to set bios.
> Or, alternatively, we could just put a URL to the documentation...

That works if it can read locally, can sysinstall handle html?
If it must go out to the net, can it do that?    Probably not at
that stage.   Many of us can not afford to have an extra machine around 
to read online documentation while doing an install.  The install is
on the only machine we have.   Of course, I know some of you are flush
with extra HW just setting around just waiting to do some browsing, but
I for one, find food and even housing to be important expenses that
need to be covered.


> -lewiz.
> --=20
> I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now.  --Bob Dylan, 1964.
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