Mark Ovens wrote:

Not come across Smart Boot Manager but I wonder if it creates a small partition to run from; the OS/2 Boot Manager, which was also shipped with older versions of Partition Magic, did but, like "recovery" partitions it didn't get a drive letter.

Ah! I've just thought of something. My old machine had Boot Magic installed - the boot manager that came with later versions of Partition Magic and didn't need a dedicated partition. One of it's features let you choose which partitions each OS could see. I never looked into _how_ it did it but I'm now wondering if it worked by setting the partition type id flag to 45 (unknown) in the partition table; I do remember that I had to disable the BIOS boot sector anti-virus feature as it went off everytime I booted.

Now, it may be that this is how Smart Boot Manager works. You could confirm it by viewing the MBR when booted into Windows, you can get a copy of dd(1) and hd(1) for windows from or you can use DSKPROBE.EXE which is in the NT4 Resource Kit (if you can find a copy - e-mail me if you can't) and see if the partition type for the first two partitions is now set to 7 (NTFS), and maybe the FreeBSD partitions are now 45?



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