On Sun, Jun 20, 2004 at 03:56:43PM -0400, Chuck Swiger wrote:
> Lewis Thompson wrote:
> [ ... ]
> >>Does the script set $PATH to include the location where python is?  If 
> >>you don't list /usr/local/bin explicitly, this may be the problem...
> >
> >No, PATH doesn't get set but if I run it as /usr/local/bin/freevo.sh start
> >from a login shell (i.e. after the system has booted) it works fine.  I
> >might be getting confused but I think this indicates the script is good
> >and it's a start-up problem.  Is this just wrong?
> No, you should not assume that running the command from an interactive 
> shell is the same environment that a RC startup script or a cron job runs 
> under.

You were correct!  I've added PATH=${PATH}:%%PREFIX%%/bin to the sample
file (where %%PREIFX%% obviously gets mangled).  It works great now.  I
must admit I can see a situation where somebody might install my port in
a weird PREFIX and then it still won't find python (if it's installed in
the default, /usr/local) -- but I really can't see any way to handle
that nicely.

  Thanks for the help, I'm hopefully going to submit this port soon --
I've only been working on it a few months!


I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now.  --Bob Dylan, 1964.
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