I deprecate showing a raspberry pi on the video on freedombox.org. Because the image requires non
free software. Same reason apply to raspberry pi 0. Isn't raspberry pi 0 to low on performance? It
has no ethernet.

Should freedombox want to ship a ready to work freedombox package it would comprise
of a mainboard, case, cable, sd card and psu.

I suggest making an orange pi one and orange pi 0 freedombox image and consider
one of them becoming the freedombox hardware package people can  buy.

Computer is about 10usd. In all hardware should be not more than 30usd. If a low priced
solution to get freedombox on the sd card before shipping is available  I do not

I prefer the orange pi one because it has a hdmi connector. If you buy a freedombox orange pi one
package and it turns out you will not have a freedombox you can use the orange pi one as
a desk top.

I got an orange pi one. I have tested armbian stretch on it. According to armbian's forum
if you enter

apt purge iozone3 armbian-firmware
you likely get a free software system. The computer is fast. It can run a bunch of programs
simultaneously. It cannot show youtube or vidoes well. Maybe because of lack of
hardware support.

On this email list I asked for an orange pi one freedombox free software image. I was
told it is required it gets on the list

I filed a request on
I got no response.


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