On Nov 23, 2011, at 11:58 PM, dos386 <dos...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> I wonder if a "workaround" would be to detect Dillo on the web site
> Please don't do it like that ... it's just recycling this B.S. "technology":
> if (detectIE5)
>  make IE5 happy
> else
>  if (detectIE5.5)
>    make IE5.5 happy
>  else
>    if (detectIE6)
>      make IE6 happy
>    else
>      if (detectOpera)
>        make Opera happy
>      else
>        ASS'ume IE7 and make IE7 happy
>      endif
>    endif
>  endif
> endif
> So my proposal is: simplification YES, detect Dillo
> (or Arachne or DOSLynx or whatwever) NO.

Actually, we don't make any provisions for IE on the www.freedos.org site. We 
do write HTML and CSS that works everywhere. The only time we detect the 
browser is for mobile devices, since they have a very small screen and lots 
less memory. (Actually, once I did detect IE6, but only to display a banner to 
ask people to get off that old browser.)

For a while now, I've wanted to update the web site to more gracefully handle 
images for mobile devices, in a way that renders full size images for regular 
browsers. That way, everyone wins. I do this on another site that I currently 
help manage, and it works great.

At the same time, I want to move away from background image replacement for the 
H1 "FreeDOS" title. Originally, this seemed a great idea, but (a) it looks odd 
in print, and (b) clearly isn't supported by Dillo. We no longer use a stock 
image anyway, it's a special mod for the banner logo image. So I can do much 
better with an image named banner_logo.png or some such.

And if I'm going to edit pages, I might as well (finally) remove a few divs I 
no longer use, that are just marked display:none. Dillo doesn't support 
display:none, so you're seeing the "preamble" text.

Maybe I won't detect Dillo as a mobile browser, that might make things look 
weird, but I'll still do the 3 things mentioned above. And it will still make 
things better for Dillo on www.freedos.org.

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