
This topic is not about DOS vs other operating systems, or the fact
that users tend to gradually abandon DOS. It's about the survivability
of DOS vis-a-vis hardware.
The starting point for my reasoning is: what will happen with the
future development of the hardware architectures? So far DOS has fared
relatively well, in the sense that it can still run even on 32bit and
64bit architectures, despite the fact that it does not fully support
them. Now the question is: will it always be like this? Or will there
come a point when, due to a radical CPU redesign, we won't be able to
even use DOS any longer on newer machines? What are the chances of
this happening?

Related questions are: how adaptable would the (Free)DOS codebase
prove, in the event of this happening? How much manpower would be
required to recode/adapt (Free)DOS to the new needs? In short, could
DOS survive such a situation?

I know that this may look as an overly pessimistic scenario, but I
believe it's one we had better anticipate, rather than just assuming
that things will always be as they are now. I hope I am very wrong in
my reasoning, and I would be very glad if someone pointed it out.



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