Hi again,

On Wed, Mar 1, 2023 at 1:03 PM usul <usul.the.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Apparently I purged XP disks long ago.  :( Laptop has Windows 10 is on it.  
> And it is awful LOL.   Even though most of the minimalist linux live I have 
> tested also dogged a bit.

UMSDOS wasn't maintained after the 2.4 kernel series. If it's too
slow, you'll have to dual boot.

> I might install suse with xcfe on it.  That seemed to run the best.  Though I 
> have never done any linux development.  and the last time I really used it, 
> ZipSlack and Mandrake were still a thing. :)

I also used to be partial to Minix 2.0.4, e.g. DOSMinix, but IIRC it
only properly ran atop FAT16. It was a slim POSIX environment with a C

* http://download.minix3.org/previous-versions/Intel-2.0.4/

> I did find a copy of "Undocumented Dos: A Programmer's Guide"  
> https://biblio.co.nz/9780201632873 and a bunch of my old C\C++ books.

C++ has changed A LOT since the old days. I don't really grok it, but
C++20 is the latest (modules!), and GCC (now written in C++) defaults
to C++17 by default. So most (?) stuff should work with DJGPP's build
of G++ 12.2.

* https://isocpp.org/tour

> So as soon as I get the items loaded this higher memory and 32 dos extender 
> stuff remembered and djgpp or w/e up and running the better.

I had an ancient GCC 2.95.3 archive (DJGPP 2.03p2), if you're curious.
(Apparently my Google Site was deleted, sigh.) It was a .7z file that
fit on a 1.44 MB floppy (good for unpacking to small RAM disk). I can
add it to my Google Drive later for you, if you want.

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