joezamosc <> wrote:

> The 10th line from the bottom of the snippet returns with the following...
> rlm_ldap::ldap_groupcmp: ldap_get_values() failed
> I'm waiting for a subsequent "[ldap] performing search in" my DN and to
> match with filter (cn=WANN)
> But it's not happening.
It is happening, you have to read the debug ;)
[ldap] performing search in ou=Departments,dc=corp,dc=development,dc=com, with 

> Any insight?
You are hunting for the group under 
'ou=Departments,dc=corp,dc=development,dc=com', effectively doing:
ldapsearch -h server -x -b ou=Departments,dc=corp,dc=development,dc=com 

I'm guessing that's not where 'cn=WANN' lives? What does the following 
give you?
ldapsearch -h server -x -b dc=corp,dc=development,dc=com cn=wann dn member


Alexander Clouter
.sigmonster says: Creditor, n.:
                        A man who has a better memory than a debtor.

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