Jason Antman <jant...@oit.rutgers.edu> wrote:
> I don't really know anything about it, and haven't seen mention of it 
> outside of the modules list, but perhaps I could use rlm_perl or 
> rlm_python? Does anyone know about the efficiency of these? I know I'm 
> approaching this from the standpoint of a traditional programming 
> language, but the way I see it, I just need to loop over the values of 
> the employeeType[] attribute, and have some sort of variable to store 
> state...
I thought I remembered this popping up recently, I would have mentioned 
it earlier but my Google-Fu at the time was weak and I though I was 
imagining things.

If you checkout v2.1.x[1] and then type:
$ git checkout -b foreach
$ git cherry-pick a3221304
$ git cherry-pick 11aa4442
$ git cherry-pick ba18f024
$ git cherry-pick de60e732
$ <mumble, compile, mumble, install, mumble>

It will either:
 * give you foreach[2] ('man 5 unlang')
 * make your pants explode[3]


[1] http://git.freeradius.org/
[3] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ysw4Xv6JI_w (0:00 -> 0:30 seconds)

Alexander Clouter
.sigmonster says: BOFH excuse #138:
                  BNC (brain not connected)

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