
I'd like to offer to add some details to this warning or to mention
the details somewhere else

WARNING: !! EAP session for state 0x6097435463935ad2 did not finish!
WARNING: !! Please read http://wiki.freeradius.org/Certificate_Compatibility

i was long time struggling the problem with this warning, and the
cause was *not* in incompatibility of certificates at all (I was
writing that in thread "EAP-TLS + Symbian = weird behavior")

the cause was MTU issue, and it is due to it the last response from
client was not received by radius and consequently the warning was
written to debug ...

so, may be it is worth to mention that somewhere amongst the possible

Zeus V. Panchenko
JID:z...@gnu.org.ua                                     GMT+2 (EET)
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