Beliars Fire wrote:
> -> I`m worked to this Tutorial Step-by-Step. On the last two steps, i`m
> configured Freeradius to use ntlm_auth > This was obviousy wrong, cause
> i want to implement LDAP-Severs.

  Please, don't think you're smarter than people with decades more
experience than you.  It's not polite.

  Follow the instructions in the web page.  Why?  Because they work.

  If you get rid of ntlm_auth, then your users won't be able to
authenticate using 802.1X.

> DEFAULT Auth-Type = ntlm_auth /# > Change it to LDAP, right?/

  No.  Follow the web page.

  If you're not going to follow instructions, then there's no point in
asking questions on this list.

> ... /# Did i need these Settings in this Version?/


> */etc/freeradius/sites-enabled/inner-tunnel*
> ...
> authenticate {
> ntlm_auth /# Change it to LDAP, right?/


> ...
> _I`m editing this file, after your Post:_
> */etc/freeradius/users*
> DEFAULT Auth-Type = ldap


> /After changing, I`m getting this Error:/
> //etc/freeradius/users[1]: Parse error (check) for entry DEFAULT:
> Unknown value ldap for attribute Auth-Type
> /
> /So, ldap isn`t possible as Auth-Type? Which one i`must using?/

  It's possible.  But it won't work for you.  So don't do it.

> Thanks for Help! I´m working with Linux since 4 weeks, so its hard to be
> aware of all functions of Freeradius and Linux.

  It's dead simple.  Follow the web page.  It has step by step
instructions for how to get it to work.  The instructions are correct.
Anyone who knows how to use a text editor can follow them.

  The point of documentation is so non-experts can get things done.  If
you're going to ignore the documentation, then you're on your own.

  Alan DeKok.
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