Dear Doug,

Thank you again for this email. Do you think it is possible to use this
method for ASL images as well? If so, how would you change the options?

Best wishes,

Salil Soman, MD, MS

On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 11:51 AM, Douglas Greve <>

> On 5/25/13 1:39 PM, Salil Soman wrote:
>   Thank you Doug.
>  Just so I am clear - is the anatomical the nifti T1.mgz or is it a
> different file. From your email I gather should do the following:
> *1)  Use bbregister to register the lowb image to the anatomical. This
> creates a registration matrix.*
>  bbregister -s SUBJECTNAME --mov lowb.nii --initfsl --reg register.dat
> That is right, but add --t2 (since it is t2 weighted).
> *2) Use mri_vol2vol and the registration to map the ADC map to the
> anatomical*
> mri_vol2vol --mov lowb.nii --targ $vol --inv --interp nearest --o $vol2diff 
> --reg $outdir/register.dat --no-save-reg
>   Use the ADC as the moveable (not lowb, but use the lowb for
> bbregister). The target volume should be the T1.mgz (or any conformed
> volume). The output will be the adc in the anatomical space (not sure why
> you call it vol2diff).
>   *3) use mri_segstats to extract the values*
> *mri_segstats* --seg $SUBJECTS_DIR/SUBJECTNAME/mri/wmparc.mgz --ctab 
> $FREESURFER_HOME/FreeSurferColorLUT.txt --i lowb.nii --sum fa.stats
>   The input would be the adc volume mapped the anatomical space. I would
> use WMParcStatsLUT.txt or else you'll get a billion different areas not
> represented in wmparc. You may also want to add "--seg-erode 1" to erode
> the segmentations by a voxel. This helps to prevent partial voluming.
> doug
>   Where lowb.nii is the other MRI tissue sequence I am analyzing (e.g.
> ADC), $vol2diff is the output image of the registration, and fa.stats will
> be my output stats table?
>  I suspect there is part of the syntax for these tools I do not
> understand. Also, what input would $vol be?
>  Best wishes,
> Sal
> On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 10:06 AM, Douglas Greve <
> > wrote:
>> Hi Sal, yes you can. Use bbregister to register the lowb image to the
>> anatomical. This creates a registration matrix. Use mri_vol2vol and the
>> registration to map the ADC map to the anatomical, then use mri_segstats to
>> extract the values
>> doug
>> ps. Please post questions to the FS list instead of us directly so that
>> others can benefit and it gets archived. thanks!
>> On 5/25/13 1:03 PM, Salil Soman wrote:
>>> Dear Dr. Greve,
>>> Is it possible to register a nonstructural MR sequences (e.g. an ADC
>>> map) with the aseg.mgz file (or aparc+aseg.mgz file, etc) and then, using
>>> the segmentation from the aseg (or aparc+aseg) file to output a mean ADC
>>> value for each anatomic area segmented?
>>> Thank you for your time and consideration.
>>> Best wishes,
>>> Sal
>>> Salil Soman, MD, MS
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Salil Soman, MD, MS
Postdoctoral Research Fellow - Stanford Radiological Sciences Laboratory
Fellow - Palo Alto War Related Illness and Injury Study Center
WOC Neuroradiology Attending - Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System
Freesurfer mailing list

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