> While playing font rendering, and trying to figure out while scaling
> some truetype fonts ends up with the bottom horizontal line of E, L,
> 2 etc is missing. (75dpi, freetype used as an X server renderer,
> running on Solaris, so using the Sun provided CourierNew.tff.)
> [...]
> I think that af_latin_metrics_scale should actually include the line:
> metrics->root.scaler.render_mode = scaler->render_mode;
> By adding the line, I now have characters appearing correctly.
> [...]

Applied, thanks.  You've looked at Courier New with anti-aliasing off,
right?  If you switch it on, you won't see that horizontal lines
disappear.  FreeType's autofitter has been designed for AA mode only,
and your fix has almost no visible effects if AA is activated.  Maybe
this is a bug in your X server renderer which tries to apply the
`gasp' table if FreeType's autohinting is active...


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