Hello Craig,

again sorry for the late reply.

> During this time, I realized that knowing the bounding box of the
> tilde contour would help a lot.  In fact, the logic for the other
> vertical separation adjustments assumes that it can get the bounding
> box by taking the minimum/maximum coordinates of all the points, but
> this doesn't work because of off-points, which I didn't consider at
> the time.  How do you find this bounding box?

What exactly do you mean with 'find'?  The algorithm?  Just take the
extrema of *all* points – for fonts this should be good enough,
because it is standard to have points at the curve extrema, thus
making the bounding box of the curve identical to the bounding box of
the points (both on and off points).

> I should note that, in your example, check #3 is too restrictive.
> The logic allows for the bottom shape that needs to be separated to
> be made up of any number of contours, which allows it to work for
> characters with more complex shapes.

What exact rule are you referring to?  My rule #3 was

  (3) All points of A are lower than all points of B (or vice versa).

which doesn't seem to fit what you are talking about...

> I want to clarify: are you adding glyph names in the database as a
> requirement for the project?

No, I'm not, but I ask you to have this in mind to find a solution
that can be easily extended to cover this situation, too (for example,
by using an extendable structure instead of a plain variable).


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