> this seems to duplicate functionality in harfbuzz, and also a mere subset,
> for that matter?
Yes, that's a good question. For the product I'm working on, we wanted to
add kerning support, and we already used FreeType but not HarfBuzz, and our
font had GPOS kerning but not a kern table. We first tried just using
FreeType's kerning API, before learning that wouldn't work because of kern
tables vs GPOS. So then we tried integrating HarfBuzz, since that seemed to
be the standard solution. However, after integrating that, even with
HB_TINY and some custom modifications to trim it, that was too large and
slow for this device; this is on an embedded device with limited
flash/ram/processing speed. We have no plans to add languages that require
more advanced shaping that would require HarfBuzz anyway, so it'd
inevitably add a lot of unnecessary overhead. Another option was to use a
script to modify the font to convert the GPOS table to a kern table, then
use unmodified FreeType's kerning function; that option worked as well,
though the font files ended up larger. So for a product like this, it's
valuable to have GPOS kerning support in FreeType.

it is also not unheard of to maintain a semi-permanent set of patches for
> freetype deemed unsuitable for upstreaming
We do have our own copy of FreeType anyway, so we could just maintain the
patch there and drop this merge request for open sourcing the GPOS kerning
implementation if it's decided against taking it. It wouldn't impact us
either way, but a co-worker asked to upstream this one for anyone else who
may benefit from it.

On the other hand, the dysfunctional kerning API, which exists, is
> misleading
Yes, if FreeType's kerning API had just worked for our GPOS font, that
would've saved us from going down this rabbit hole of kern tables and GPOS
tables, and we could've remained blissfully ignorant with everything just
working easily. So it would be nice to save others from that :). Another
anecdote is that we also then realized that a previous product which had
added kerning support through the FreeType API with its old font ended up
losing kerning after the font was swapped out for one with kerning in the
GPOS table, and we had shipped that update without noticing the loss; so
FreeType supporting GPOS kerning as well could help prevent issues like

The line could be drawn exactly there at the existing API. the scope of the
> change should be clearly defined.
Drawing the line at the existing API, so leaving the scope at kerning-only
and not planning to add support for other GPOS features like x-placement
etc, sounds good to me.


On Mon, Jan 22, 2024 at 12:01 PM Alexei Podtelezhnikov <apodt...@gmail.com>

> On Jan 22, 2024, at 12:45, Hin-Tak Leung <ht...@users.sourceforge.net>
> wrote:
> FWIW, this seems to duplicate functionality in harfbuzz, and also a mere
> subset, for that matter?
> On the other hand, the dysfunctional kerning API, which exists, is
> misleading. Partial GPOS support to fulfill the API promise is not a bad
> idea. The line could be drawn exactly there at the existing API.
> I agree that the scope of the change should be clearly defined.

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