Alfredo Portes wrote:
> I had sent a msg to the list before about the Windows installer
> in the wiki that was causing confusion to users. Fricas-Rev.263.exe
> Anyways, I removed the file from the Wiki, before you get a
> cease and desist letter :)
> I imagine the file was used by a lot of people. Maybe Bill can get
> some stats on it.
> But it shows that maybe some effort should be put in creating an installer.

I think that creating Windows installer is really job for Windows
users.  For one it requires mostly Windows skills.  And
Windows user will do better job of ensuring that installation
behaves in way expected by Windows users (for example for
me natural setting of various defaults are as they used to be
in Linux, which may be quite different from Windows practice).
Also given that users created packages for systems like
DragonFly BSD and when I asked some time ago nobody
volunteered to create Windows binary the logical conclusion
is that DragonFly BSD has more active users than Windows...

> Sorry if this file caused any trouble/bad publicity for the project.
> PS: Remove or create an alternative to the AXIOM variable.

I believe that "problem" of AXIOM variable is lot of noise about
nothing: FriCAS sets AXIOM only inside its internal scripts, so
it should not interfere with other programs (basically this setting
can do harm only if you try to do something crazy like launching
different Axiom flavour via ')system' command in FriCAS).  FriCAS
obeys AXIOM variable and wrong setting may cause trouble for
FriCAS, but IIUC this was requested by people who want to
use the same scripts with different flavours.

                              Waldek Hebisch 

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