On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 8:43 AM, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Michael Gilbert writes ("Re: [Fsf-Debian] Deciding how Debian 
> depends/recommends non-free packages"):
>> Doesn't the Tech Committee usually likes to take it slow to give time
>> for sufficient info to flow out to be able to make the most
>> well-rounded decision possible?
> That's a charitable way of saying that we have in the past been
> glacially slow.  We have been trying to improve on this.

I actually don't think that should be considered a bad thing.  As an
analogy, I see the Tech Committee to the Debian project as the Supreme
Court is to the United States.  The Supreme Court is incredible slow.
Most cases taking over 5 years before they even reach the court, then
a year to draft an opinion.  But when decisions are made, they're at
least very well thought out; although perhaps all too often nowadays
way too politically biased.

So, anyway, I think any good judicial branch must be slow in order to
take in all of the subjective material available in order to make the
best decision possible.

Best wishes,

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