
I currently use OCS/GLPI in operations, and I plan
to test fusioninventory.

I also use (open)ldap to authentify users on my
network (mainly through unix pam).

I need to add an "host" device branch to my ldap tree
since I need to tune my ACL not only function of users,
but also function of devices (certain users may access
to certain hosts but not to others).

For each machine, I would therefore need to store into
ldap things such as "hostname", "domainname", "ipadress",
may be "macadress" (not sure about the shema/classes to
use at this stage)...

Anyway, that would be fantastic if my ldap host branch was
directly provisonned by my agents (ocs/fusioninventory)
agents (or alternatively extracted from the glpi database).

Questions : is that a "reasonnable" idea ? Would there have
any existing solution to do that ? Would anyone have some
experience with something like that ?



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