Le 21/11/2014 10:01, Vincent LOUPIEN a écrit :
Hello to all the FI people,

Since using the 2.3.12 version of the FusionInventory agent on ours Linux 
machines (Debian 7.7 stable), at the launch of the agent, we have in 
fusioninventory.log (Debug mode) messages about the absence of binary used for 
the EDID (Extended Display Identification Data) support:
[debug] - running monitor-get-edid-using-vbe command: command not available
[debug] - running monitor-get-edid command: command not available
[debug] - running get-edid command: command not available
[debug] - running ddcprobe command: command not available

My two questions:
- under Linux (Debian) among the following packages which provides the EDID 
support: libparse-edid-perl or read-edid ? or twice ?
The seconds allows to extract EDID information, the first to parse it. You need both packages, actually :)

- and especially, as it is it that I have not read or seen these warning 
missing packets or features during installation agent from source ?
The Parse::EDID Perl module (packaged as libparse-edid-perl on Debian) is listed as optional in Makefile.PL, so it should trigger a warning during installation if missing.

Optional binaries are not listed in installation code, because they are too many of them, and because there is no way to easily test their presence at installation time. The point in rising log verbosity was precisely to provide better feedback to users.

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