Hello everybody,

After many months of development by me and kiniou, the first version
compatible with GLPI 0.85.x is available.

This is the new features:

* You can lock a field for an itemtype (for example lock contact field
  for all computers) [http://forge.fusioninventory.org/issues/1184]

* Speed of computer network ports is now managed

* You can reset the import rules and recreate default rules
* Monitor, printers and peripheral of computer pass now in the import
  rules [http://forge.fusioninventory.org/issues/2204]
* Add field 'domain' in import rules
* New default import rules

* When do a network discovery, it use the SNMP credentials defined in
  the IP range + management of the order
* Remove SNMP models like we said since many months

* Task management rewriten and add agent-driven mode (ondemand) with
  timeslot for execution (define when run), monitoring logs...

* Import and export packages for deployment

* Add cron for delete agent not contacted the server since xx
  weeks/months [http://forge.fusioninventory.org/issues/1708]
* Add icon beside computer, printer... field to see if the field is
  locked or not [http://forge.fusioninventory.org/issues/2534]
* New rights [http://forge.fusioninventory.org/issues/2214]

More information:

* You can see changelog here:
* You can download here:

Thanks again to people who test, report bugs / features, translate... ;)

David Durieux

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