> Al-Ahram Weekly Online, Issue No.555,  11-17 October 2001

Adrift in similarity

However reassuring they may be, writes Edward Said,
monoliths help us understand nothing

Samuel Huntington's article "The Clash of Civilizations?" appeared
in the Spring 1993 issue of Foreign Affairs, where it immediately
attracted a surprising amount of attention and reaction. Because
the article was intended to supply Americans with an original
thesis about "the new phase" in world politics after the end of the
Cold War, Huntington's terms of argument seemed compellingly
large, bold, even visionary. He very clearly had his eye on rivals in
the policy-making ranks, theorists such as Francis Fukuyama and
his end-of-history ideas, as well as the legions who had celebrated
the onset of globalism, tribalism, and the dissipation of the state.
But they, he allowed, had understood only some aspects of this
new period. He was about to announce the "crucial, indeed a
central aspect" of what "global politics is likely to be in the coming
years." Unhesitatingly he pressed on:

"It is my hypothesis that the fundamental source of conflict in this
new world will not be primarily ideological or primarily economic.
The great divisions among humankind and the dominating source of
conflict will be cultural. Nation states will remain the most powerful
actors in world affairs, but the principal conflicts of global politics
will occur between nations and groups of different civilizations. The
clash of civilizations will dominate world politics. The fault lines
between civilizations will be the battle lines of the future." (p. 22)

Most of the argument in the pages that followed relied on a vague
notion of something Huntington called "civilization identity," and
"the interactions among seven or eight [sic] major civilizations," of
which the conflict between two of them, Islam and the West, gets
the lion's share of his attention. In this belligerent kind of thought,
he relies heavily on a 1990 article by the veteran Orientalist
Bernard Lewis, whose ideological colours are manifest in the title,
"The Roots of Muslim Rage." In both articles, the personification of
enormous entities called "the West" and "Islam" is recklessly
affirmed, as if hugely complicated matters like identity and culture
existed in a cartoon-like world where Popeye and Bluto bash each
other mercilessly, with one always more virtuous pugilist getting
the upper hand over his adversary. Certainly neither Huntington nor
Lewis has much time to spare for the internal dynamics and
plurality of every civilisation, or for the fact that the major contest in
most modern cultures concerns the definition or interpretation of
each culture, or for the unattractive possibility that a great deal of
demagogy and downright ignorance is involved in presuming to
speak for a whole religion or civilisation. No, the West is the West,
and Islam Islam. The challenge for Western policy-makers, says
Huntington, is to make sure that the West gets stronger and fends
off all the others, Islam in particular.

More troubling is Huntington's assumption that his perspective,
which is to survey the entire world from a perch outside all ordinary
attachments and hidden loyalties, is the correct one, as if everyone
else was scurrying around looking for the answers which he has
already found. In fact, Huntington is an ideologist, someone who
wants to make "civilizations" and "identities" into what they are
not, shut-down, sealed-off entities that have been purged of the
myriad currents and counter-currents that animate human history,
and over centuries have made it possible for that history not only to
contain wars of religion and imperial conquest but also to be one of
exchange, cross-fertilisation, and sharing. This far less visible
history is ignored in the rush to highlight the ludicrously
compressed and constricted warfare that "the clash of civilization"
argues is the reality. When he published his book by the same title
in 1996, he tried to give his argument a little more subtlety and
many, many more footnotes; all he did, however, was to confuse
himself, demonstrate what a clumsy writer and inelegant thinker he
was. The basic paradigm of West vs the rest (the Cold War
opposition reformulated) remained untouched, and this is what has
persisted, often insidiously and implicitly, in discussion since the
terrible events of 11 September.

The carefully planned mass slaughter and horrendous,
pathologically motivated suicide bombing by a small group of
deranged militants has been turned into proof of Huntington's
thesis. Instead of seeing it for what it is, the capture of big ideas (I
use the word loosely) by a tiny band of crazed fanatics for criminal
purposes, international luminaries from former Pakistani Prime
Minister Benazir Bhutto to Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi
have pontificated about Islam's troubles, and in the latter's case
have used Huntington to rant on about the West's superiority, how
"we" have Mozart and Michelangelo and they don't. (He has since
made a half-hearted apology for his insult to "Islam.")

But why not instead see parallels, admittedly less spectacular in
their destructiveness, for Osama Bin Laden and his followers in
cults like the Branch Davidians or the disciples of Reverend Jim
Jones at Guyana or the Japanese Aum Shinrikyo. Even the
normally sober British weekly The Economist, in its issue of 22-28
September, can't resist reaching for the vast generalisation and
praises Huntington extravagantly for his "cruel and sweeping, but
nonetheless acute" observations about Islam. "Today," the journal
says with unseemly solemnity, Huntington writes that "the world's
billion or so Muslims are 'convinced of the superiority of their
culture, and obsessed with the inferiority of their power'." Did he
canvas 100 Indonesians, 200 Moroccans, 500 Egyptians, 50
Bosnians? Even if he did, what sort of sample is that?

[snip... rest see  http://www.ahram.org.eg/weekly/2001/555/op2.htm  ]

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