Dear colleagues


Scholion the Interdisciplinary Research Center in Jewish Studies at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem is offering two three years post-doc positions with excellent conditions.


Deadline is VERY SOON January 26.


From the ad:


Two Research and Teaching Positions In the fields of Jewish Culture and Society


* The positions are intended for young and recently graduated PhD’s worldwide whose research demonstrates exceptional depth and originality in fields related to Jewish Studies and whose research may enrich the discipline


* Positions offer preferential terms for research


* Positions will be for a three year duration, with an option for two years beginning Fall Semester 2006. The appointment will commence on October 1st 2006


* Positions will be awarded on a competitive basis with no preference given to specific fields


* Salary will be commensurate with that of a lecturer, with an additional research grant


* The candidates selected will teach one course (two academic hours), so that adequate time may be devoted to research, the candidates selected may lecture in English



Please see for further information.


Please address any questions to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Please forward to anyone interested.



Daniel Stoekl


Daniel Stoekl Ben Ezra, Ph.D.

Mandel Scholar

Scholion - Interdisciplinary Research Center in Jewish Studies

Rabin Building 1112

Hebrew University, Mount Scopus

91905 Jerusalem




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