2011/5/4 Jon Dowland <j...@debian.org>:
> On Wed, May 04, 2011 at 11:43:26PM +0200, Miriam Ruiz wrote:
>> > Overall, I prefer Fedora's approach. Maybe it's worth bouncing this
>> > off of debian-devel to get more input? _If_ this is changed, it should
>> > be changed globally, preferably at the same time for a lot of packages
>> > at once and become a release goal for next stable.
>> If there are no serious reasons against it, I'd go for that too.
> What are the serious reasons for it?  What advantages are there in aligning
> with Fedora (and going against the FHS)?  The cost is -- at least -- changing
> all our packages (DDPO puts that at 265).

AFAIK, using /usr/games and /usr/share/games is optional, so whatever
we decide we would go for FHS, not against it. Am I wrong in that

> I'd like to hear from some other distros to see who else does what before
> considering such a move.

That seems fair.
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