> On Nov 2, 2023, at 7:52 AM, Richard Biener <richard.guent...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 2, 2023 at 11:40 AM Jakub Jelinek <ja...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Nov 02, 2023 at 11:18:09AM +0100, Richard Biener wrote:
>>>> Or, if we want to pay further price, .ACCESS_WITH_SIZE could take as one of
>>>> the arguments not the size value, but its address.  Then at __bdos time
>>>> we would dereference that pointer to get the size.
>>>> So,
>>>> struct S { int a; char b __attribute__((counted_by (a))) []; };
>>>> struct S s;
>>>> s.a = 5;
>>>> char *p = &s.b[2];
>>>> int i1 = __builtin_dynamic_object_size (p, 0);
>>>> s.a = 3;
>>>> int i2 = __builtin_dynamic_object_size (p, 0);
>>>> would then yield 3 and 1 rather than 3 and 3.
>>> I fail to see how we can get the __builtin_dynamic_object_size call
>>> data dependent on s.a, thus avoid re-ordering or even DSE of the
>>> store.
>> If &s.b[2] is lowered as
>> sz_1 = s.a;
>> tmp_2 = .ACCESS_WITH_SIZE (&s.b[0], sz_1);
>> p_3 = &tmp_2[2];
>> then sure, there is no way, you get the size from that point.
>> tree-object-size.cc tracking then determines that in a particular
>> case the pointer is size associated with sz_1 and use that value
>> as the size (with the usual adjustments for pointer arithmetics and the
>> like).
>> What I meant is to emit
>> tmp_4 = .ACCESS_WITH_SIZE (&s.b[0], &s.a, (typeof (&s.a)) 0);
>> p_5 = &tmp_4[2];
>> i.e. don't associate the pointer with a value of the size, but with
>> an address where to find the size (plus how large it is), basically escape
>> pointer to the size at that point.  And __builtin_dynamic_object_size is 
>> pure,
>> so supposedly it can depend on what the escaped pointer points to.
> Well, yeah - that would work but depend on .ACCESS_WITH_SIZE being an
> escape point (quite bad IMHO) and __builtin_dynamic_object_size being
> non-const (that's probably not too bad).
>> We'd see that a particular pointer is size associated with &s.a address
>> and would use that address cast to the type of the third argument (to
>> preserve the exact pointer type on INTEGER_CST, though not sure, wouldn't
>> VN CSE it anyway if one has say
>> union U { struct S { int a; char b __attribute__((counted_by (a))) []; } s;
>>          struct T { char c, d, e, f; char g __attribute__((counted_by (c))) 
>> []; } t; };
>> and
>> .ACCESS_WITH_SIZE (&v.s.b[0], &v.s.a, (int *) 0);
>> ...
>> .ACCESS_WITH_SIZE (&v.t.g[0], &v.t.c, (int *) 0);
>> ?
> We'd probably CSE that - the usual issue of address-with-same-value.
>> It would mean though that counted_by wouldn't be allowed to be a
>> bit-field...
> Yup.  We could also pass a pointer to the container though, that's good enough
> for the escape, and pass the size by value in addition to that.
Could you explain a little bit more here? Then the .ACCESS_WITH_SIZE will become



>>        Jakub

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