> On May 7, 2024, at 17:52, Kees Cook <keesc...@chromium.org> wrote:
> On Tue, May 07, 2024 at 06:34:19PM +0000, Qing Zhao wrote:
>> On May 7, 2024, at 13:57, Sebastian Huber 
>> <sebastian.hu...@embedded-brains.de> wrote:
>>> On 07.05.24 16:26, Qing Zhao wrote:
>>>> Hi, Sebastian,
>>>> Thanks for your explanation.
>>>> Our goal is to deprecate the GCC extension on  structure
>>>> containing a flexible array member not at the end of another
>>>> structure. In order to achieve this goal, we provided the warning option
>>>> -Wflex-array-member-not-at-end for the users to locate all such
>>>> cases in their source code and update the source code to eliminate
>>>> such cases.
>>> What is the benefit of deprecating this GCC extension? If GCC
>>> extensions are removed, then it would be nice to enable the associated
>>> warnings by default.
> The goal of all of the recent array bounds and flexible array work is to
> make sizing information unambiguous (e.g. via __builtin_object_size(),
> __builtin_dynamic_object_size(), and the array-bounds sanitizer). For
> the compiler to be able to deterministically report size information
> on arrays, we needed to deprecate this case even though it had been
> supported in the past. (Though we also _added_ extensions to support
> for other things, like flexible arrays in unions, and the coming
> __counted_by attribute.)
> For example:
> struct flex     { int length; char data[]; };
> struct mid_flex { int m; struct flex flex_data; int n; int o; };
> #define SZ(p) __builtin_dynamic_object_size(p, 1)
> void foo(struct flex *f, struct mid_flex *m)
> {
> printf("%zu\n", SZ(f));
> printf("%zu\n", SZ(m->flex_data));
> }
> int main(void)
> {
>        struct mid_flex m = { .flex_data.length = 8 };
> foo(&m->flex_data, &m);
> return 0;
> }
> This is printing the size of the same object. But the desired results
> are ambiguous. Does m->flex_data have an unknown size (i.e. SIZE_MAX)
> because it's a flex array, or does it contain 8 bytes, since it overlaps
> with the other structure's trailing 2 ints?
> The answer from GCC 13 was neither:
> 18446744073709551615
> 4
> It considered flex_data to be only the size of it's non-flex-array
> members, but only when there was semantic context that it was part of
> another structure. (Yet more ambiguity.)
> In GCC 14, this is "resolved" to be unknown since it is a flex array
> which has no sizing info, and context doesn't matter:
> 18446744073709551615
> 18446744073709551615
> But this paves the way for the coming 'counted_by' attribute which will
> allow for struct flex above to be defined as:
> struct flex { int length; char data[] __attribute__((counted_by(length))); };
> At which point GCC can deterministically report the object size.
> Hopefully I've captured this all correctly -- Qing can correct me. :)
>>>> We had a long discussion before deciding to deprecating this GCC
>>>> extension. Please see details here:
>>>> https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=101832
>>>> Yes, we do plan to enable this warning by default before final
>>>> deprecation.  (Might consider to enable this warning by default in
>>>> GCC15… and then deprecate it in the next release)
>>>> Right now, there is an ongoing work in Linux kernel to get rid of
>>>> all such cases. Kees might have more information on this.
>>>> The static initialization of structures with flexible array members
>>>> will still work as long as the flexible array members are at the end of
>>>> the structures.
>>> Removing the support for flexible array members in the middle of
>>> compounds will make the static initialization practically infeasible.
>> If the flexible array member is moved to the end of the compounds,
>> the static initialization still work. What’s the issue here?
>>>> My question: is it possible to update your source code to move
>>>> the structure with flexible array member to the end of the containing
>>>> structure?
>>>> i.e, in your example, in the struct Thread_Configured_control,
>>>> move the field “Thread_Control Control” to the end of the structure?
>>> If we move the Thread_Control to the end, how would I add a
>>> configuration defined number of elements at the end?
>> Don’t understand this, why moving the Thread_Control Control” to
>> the end of the containing structure will make this a problem?
>> Could you please explain this with a simplified example?
> I found your example at [2] and tried to trim/summarize it here:
> struct _Thread_Control {
>    Objects_Control Object;
>    ...
>    void            *extensions[];
> };
> typedef struct _Thread_Control Thread_Control;
> struct Thread_Configured_control {
>  Thread_Control Control;
>    void *extensions[ CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_USER_EXTENSIONS + 1 ];
>  #endif
>  Configuration_Scheduler_node Scheduler_nodes[ _CONFIGURE_SCHEDULER_COUNT ];
>  #endif
>  #endif
>    !defined(_REENT_THREAD_LOCAL)
>    struct _reent Newlib;
>  #endif
> };
> #define THREAD_INFORMATION_DEFINE( name, api, cls, max ) \
> ...
> static ... \
> Thread_Configured_control \
> name##_Objects[ _Objects_Maximum_per_allocation( max ) ]; \
> ...
> I don't see any static initialization of struct _Thread_Control::extensions
> nor any member initialization of the name##_Objects, and even then that
> is all legal in any arrangement:

Thanks for the simplified code portion. From the above, I guess:

For the structure: 

struct Thread_Configured_control {
  Thread_Control Control;

     void *extensions[ CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_USER_EXTENSIONS + 1 ];

The 2nd field “void *extensions[CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_USER_EXTENSIONS + 1 ] ” is 
the 1st field “Thread_Control Control”, whose type is a structure with trailing 
flexible array member field 

struct _Thread_Control {
   Objects_Control Object;
   void            *extensions[];

So, the Thread_Configured_control.Control.extensions[] is overlapped with 
Thread_Configured_control.extensions[CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_USER_EXTENSIONS + 1].

And the source code depends on the above overlapping relationship. (The 
initialization to the field 
Thread_Configured_control.extensions[CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_USER_EXTENSIONS + 1] 
will be an initialization to the overlapped flexible array member field).

If so, moving the field “Thread_Control Control” to the last field of the 
containing structure will break the overlapping relationship. Therefore 
resulting incorrect code. 

Not sure whether the above a correct understanding or not. 

If my understanding is correct, I do feel that such coding style is really not 
good, not easily to be understood or to be debugged. 

Not sure whether the new GCC extension: permitting flexible array member in 
union, could be used to replace such code? 

> truct flex      { int length; char data[]; };
> struct mid_flex { int m; struct flex flex_data; int n; int o; };
> struct end_flex { int m; int n; struct flex flex_data; };
> struct flex f = { .length = 2 };
> struct mid_flex m = { .m = 5 };
> struct end_flex e = { .m = 5 };
> struct flex fa[4] = { { .length = 2 } };
> struct mid_flex ma[4] = { { .m = 5 } };
> struct end_flex ea[4] = { { .m = 5 } };
> These all work.
> But yes, I see why you can't move Thread_Control trivially to the end. It
> looks like you're depending on the implicit overlapping memory locations
> between struct _Thread_Control and things that include it as the first
> struct member, like struct Thread_Configured_control above:
> cpukit/score/src/threaditerate.c:      the_thread = (Thread_Control *) 
> information->local_table[ index ];
> (In the Linux kernel we found this kind of open casting to be very
> fragile and instead use a horrific wrapper called "container_of"[3] that
> does the pointer math (possibly to an offset of 0 for a direct cast) to
> find the member.)
> Anyway, for avoiding the warning, you can just keep using the extension
> and add -Wno-... if it ever ends up in -Wall, or you can redefine struct
> _Thread_Control to avoid having the "extensions" member at all. This is
> what we've done in several cases in Linux. For example if we had this
> again, but made to look more like Thread_Control:
> struct flex     { int foo; int bar; char data[]; };
> struct mid_flex { struct flex hdr; int n; int o; };
> It could be changed to:
> struct flex_hdr { int foo; int bar; };
> struct flex     { struct flex_hdr hdr; char data[]; };
> struct mid_flex { struct flex_hdr hdr; int n; int o; };
> This has some collateral changes needed to reference the struct flex_hdr
> members from struct flex now (f->hdr.foo instead of f->foo). Sometimes
> this can be avoided by using a union, as I did in a recent refactoring
> in Linux: [4]
> For more complex cases in Linux we've handled this by using our
> "struct_group"[5] macro, which allows for a union and tagged struct to
> be constructed:
> struct flex {
> __struct_group(flex_hdr, hdr,,
> int foo;
> int bar;
> );
> char data[];
> };
> struct mid_flex { struct flex_hdr hdr; int n; int o; };
> Then struct flex member names don't have to change, but if anything is
> trying to get at struct flex::data through struct mid_flex::hdr, that'll
> need casting. But it _shouldn't_ since it has "n" and "o".
> -Kees
> [1] https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2023-May/620122.html
> [2] https://github.com/RTEMS/rtems
> [3] 
> https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/tree/include/linux/container_of.h#n10
> [4] https://git.kernel.org/linus/896880ff30866f386ebed14ab81ce1ad3710cfc4
> [5] 
> https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/tree/include/uapi/linux/stddef.h?h=v6.8#n11
> -- 
> Kees Cook

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