On Thu, May 2, 2024 at 8:35 AM Pedro Alves <pe...@palves.net> wrote:
> On 2024-05-01 22:04, Simon Marchi wrote:
> > The Change-Id trailer works very well for Gerrit: once you have the hook
> > installed you basically never have to think about it again, and Gerrit
> > is able to track patch versions perfectly accurately.  A while ago, I
> > asked patchwork developers if they would be open to support something
> > like that to track patches, and they said they wouldn't be against it
> > (provided it's not mandatory) [1].  But somebody would have to implement
> > it.
> >
> > Simon
> >
> > [1] https://github.com/getpatchwork/patchwork/issues/327
> +1000.  It's mind boggling to me that people would accept Gerrit, which
> means that they'd accept Change-Id:, but then they wouldn't accept
> Change-Id: with a different system...  :-)

Gerrit uses "Change-Id:" as stable identifiers to track patches.
has some analysis how they are much better than the alternative smart way.

Perhaps URLs as stable identifiers will work better.
If a reader wants to find relevant discussions, they can just click
the link in many browsers, terminals, and editors.

Currently, searching for discussions about a specific commit requires
searching its title on https://inbox.sourceware.org/gcc-patches/ .
For older patches, I might even need to dig through
https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/YYYY-MMMM/ archives.

I agree with Jeff that principal reviewers will drive improvement to
the code review process.
I am sharing two code review services LLVM has used.


Between 2012 and Sep 2023, LLVM had relied on its self-hosted
Phabricator instance for code review.
Fetching a patch to your local branch was as simple as `arc patch D12345`.
Similarly, creating or updating a patch involved `arc diff`.

I believe other code review services provide similar command line functionality,


In September 2023, LLVM transitioned to GitHub for code review.
I really dislike its code review service (however, this is a large
step forward than email based code review). From

> On the other hand, GitHub structures the concept of pull requests around 
> branches and enforces a branch-centric workflow. A pull request centers on 
> the difference (commits) between the base branch and the feature branch. 
> GitHub does not employ a stable identifier for commit tracking. If commits 
> are rebased, reordered, or combined, GitHub can easily become confused.
> When you force-push a branch after a rebase, the user interface displays a 
> line such as "force-pushed the BB branch from X to Y". Clicking the "compare" 
> button in GitHub presents something like git diff X..Y, which includes 
> unrelated commits. Ideally, GitHub would show the difference between the two 
> patch files, as Phabricator does, but it only displays the difference between 
> the two head commits. These unrelated in-between commits might be acceptable 
> for projects with lower commit frequency but can be challenging for a project 
> with a code frequency of 100+ commits every day.
> The fidelity of preserving inline comments after a force push has always been 
> a weakness. The comments may be presented as "outdated". In the past, there 
> was a notorious "lost inline comment" problem. Nowadays, the situation has 
> improved, but some users still report that inline comments may occasionally 
> become misplaced.

Thankfully, getcord/spr comes to a rescue.
User branches allow me to create/update a patch using `spr diff` like
`arc diff` for Phabricator.

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