In my opinion, the advantage of autotools is that it can generate a configure script that can be shipped with the source tarball, then any one with the source can run the configure script when the system has a POSIX shell and tools. If using CMake, meson, xmake, etc. the user will first need to install the build tool to build the source.

I still hope to have one such build tool which can generate a configure script, and have some better properties than autotools:

- implemented in a sane language (I don't like Perl)

- generate a single configure script for the whole project instead of running configure on subprojects when running make

- support building with ninja

If CMake, meson, xmake or some other build system support generating a POSIX shell configure script, I think it would be fine to use it to replace autotools.

On 2022/9/11 22:29, Junk Trash via Gcc wrote:

I want to get the opinions of GCC developers regarding adding CMake as a build 
system for GCC. Is it something you would like, something you are neutral 
about, or something you are strongly against?

Thanks for your valuable feedback!



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