On Thu, Dec 15, 2022 at 09:31:50PM +0100, Grosse-Bley, Paul Leonard wrote:
> Hi together,
> I just ran into the issue that `#pragma omp simd` does not work on C++ 
> iterator loops (godbolt).
> >From going through the specifications I understand that this restriction was 
> >part of 4.5 and 5.0, but was dropped with 5.1.
> As I couldn't find this change in the table of 5.1 (or 5.2) features for 
> libgomp, I wanted to ask if this is on the horizon.

That is not the case.
OpenMP 5.1 has the restriction on p. 137 l. 22:
"The only random access iterator types that are allowed for the associated 
loops are pointer
OpenMP 5.2 has the same thing on p. 235 l. 31.
Even TR11 (first OpenMP 6.0 draft) has the same wording on p. 246 l. 2.


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