Binary -i file.txt worked. Thank you.

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Von: TungHoang_GMail
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 30. Mai 2018 19:50
An: gem5 users mailing list; Jasmin Jahic
Betreff: Re: [gem5-users] gem5 SE, binary which takes a file as an input


You can use pass "file.txt" via -o | --options of scripts. For example 
... --cmd ./binary --options file.txt

On 05/30/2018 04:59 AM, Jasmin Jahic wrote:
Dear gem5 users, 

I have one challenge with gem5 and I hope you can help.

Running the gem5 in SE is no problem when there is one binary file. But how 
would it be possible for gem5 to run a binary which takes as an input a file?

For example, in terminal, I would type:
./binary < file.txt

Best regards,
Jasmin JAHIC

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