Hi Erin.

First we are - and we never - discussed "*Content that deals primarily with
women is systematically underdeveloped throughout the projects*" what we
did discussed here was 3 or 4 articles *from en.wiki* that Sarah thinks
need to be remade. As far as I know, we have more than 700 projects...
en.wiki can be the biggest, but is not the only one. And even if we changed
all the articles in this language, would not do much for the other several
million woman around the world. And we are trying to solve the gender gap
in all the projects here, not only in en.wiki and not only in USA.

So forgive me if I do believe that discuss 3 en.wiki articles will do
nothing as far as gender gap solve is concerned. Might be good examples to
someone when they are doing a presentation, but that is as far as this can

And one think is discuss something - even when people have different
opinion than yours, another completely different is play the "*poor me,
nothing I do is good*" every time someone has a criticism against your work.
*Béria Lima*
Wikimedia Portugal <http://wikimedia.pt>
(351) 963 953 042

*Imagine um mundo onde é dada a qualquer pessoa a possibilidade de ter
livre acesso ao somatório de todo o conhecimento humano. Ajude-nos a
construir esse sonho. <http://wikimedia.pt/Donativos>*

On 26 December 2011 02:34, Erin O'Rourke <orourk...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'll echo Kevin's words, as I couldn't have said it better myself:
> "To me, article differentials like this are one of the most interesting
> manifestations of the gender gap, and are worth talking about on this
> list.
> Content that deals primarily with women is systematically underdeveloped
> throughout the projects, and that is a big deal.  The gendergap would
> still
> be disturbing even if this weren't the case - but to me at least, the
> systemic underdevelopment of content is probably the single most worrisome
> issue involved."
> And while I may not jumping to join in on conversations regarding photos
> of questionable value to Wikipedia I think it prompts important discussions
> about how to shape the policy and culture of Wikipedia while preserving the
> intention of the site.
> In addition, if you're calling for less drama I'd suggest you heed your
> own words, Beria. Pete's response did not imply you're not qualified to
> talk but rather called for some more constructive feedback and ideas.
> Obviously you're doing a lot for the gender gap and that's great. On the
> other hand, the attitude is completely uncalled for.
> --
> Erin O'Rourke
> http://erin-orourke.com
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