
I can sympathize with the difficulty of the decision that the board of the
Ada Initiative has had to make, but their reasoning is logical and
understandable. They have certainly created an important legacy.

I wish both Valerie and Mary very well in the future, and thank them for
their dedication and devotion to making the world a better place for women
in the technology industry - whether as casual users, content contributors,
developers, or in any other role.


On 4 August 2015 at 10:29, Carol Moore dc <> wrote:

> They did great work.  Assumedly more info on how long the website will be
> up and how to download materials will be forthcoming.
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject:        Announcing the shutdown of the Ada Initiative
> Date:   Tue, 04 Aug 2015 08:48:23 -0400 (EDT)
> From:   The Ada Initiative <>
> It is with mixed feelings that we announce that the Ada Initiative will
> be shutting down in approximately mid-October. We are proud of what we
> accomplished with the support of many thousands of volunteers, sponsors,
> and donors, and we expect all of our programs to continue on in some
> form without the Ada Initiative. Thank you for your incredible work and
> support!
>     What we accomplished
> 80 women cheering and wearing many different colors, CC BY-SA Jenna
> Saint Martin Photo
> AdaCamp Portland attendees in 2014
> CC BY-SA Jenna Saint Martin Photo
> When the Ada Initiative was founded in 2011, the environment for women
> in open technology and culture was extremely hostile. Conference
> anti-harassment policies were rare outside of certain areas in fandom,
> and viewed as extremist attempts to muzzle free speech. Pornography in
> slides was a regular feature at many conferences in these areas, as were
> physical and sexual assault. Most open tech/culture communities didn't
> have an understanding of basic feminist concepts like consent, tone
> policing, and intersectional oppression.
>       Anti-harassment policy and code of conduct work
> With the support of hundreds of volunteers, the Ada Initiative led the
> drive
> <
> to
> make strong, specific, and enforced anti-harassment policies a standard
> and expected part of any moderately well-run conference. Today,
> /thousands/ of conferences
> <
> have
> these policies, including many in the area of free and open source
> software, fandom, Wikimedia projects, computer technology, library
> technology, science writing, entomology, and many other areas we never
> expected to influence. This work is now completely community-driven;
> people everywhere are developing and improving codes of conducts for
> online communities.
>       AdaCamp unconferences
> We ran our first AdaCamp unconference
> <
> in
> 2012 in Melbourne, and ran six more AdaCamps in the following years, in
> Washington D.C., San Francisco, Portland, Berlin, Bangalore, and
> Montreal. Over 500 women had an experience many of them described as
> "life-changing." AdaCamp awakened their feminist identity, helped them
> improve their careers, and connected them with a community of support.
> Many women realized for the first time that what they were going through
> was not unique to themselves, that their negative experiences were the
> result of systemic sexism, and that they could make changes in their
> lives with the help of women they met through AdaCamp. We created the
> AdaCamp Toolkit
> <
> so
> that other people could run events more like AdaCamp. Among many other
> things, it includes step-by-step guides on how to provide food that
> matches attendees' food restrictions
> <
> create access lanes to increase accessibility
> <
> and provide childcare
> <
> all available under the Creative Commons Attribution Sharealike license.
>       Impostor Syndrome Training
> Beginning at AdaCamp San Francisco in 2013, we taught a class for women
> in open tech/culture communities at every AdaCamp on overcoming Impostor
> Syndrome
> <
> Impostor Syndrome is the feeling that you are a fraud and will be found
> out as unqualified, often for the work you are already performing. Many
> women in open tech/culture experience Impostor Syndrome, and are excited
> to learn how to counteract it. We will be teaching the Impostor Syndrome
> workshop as a standalone class in August in Oakland
> <
> and
> Sydney
> <
> Before we shut down, we will release the materials to run the class
> under the Creative Commons Attribution Sharealike license.
>       The Ally Skills Workshop
> The Ada Initiative created the Ally Skills Workshop
> <
> in
> 2011, which teaches men how to use their societal advantages to do more
> of the emotional labor of pushing back against sexism and exclusionary
> behavior in their communities and workplaces. Research shows that when
> women speak up against sexism in the workplace, they often suffer
> retaliation, but when men speak up against sexism, they seldom suffer
> retaliation for it and sometimes even get rewarded. Cultural change
> happens more quickly when men, who are often in positions of greater
> power, are also actively working for change, especially in fields where
> women make up a small percentage of people involved. Women can then use
> the time and emotional energy they were spending on trying to make their
> community less sexist to work on their primary projects or main job duties.
> In the past four years, the Ally Skills Workshop has been taught to over
> 2,000 people, and we formally trained over 40 people to teach the
> workshop. Already, at least five people are actively teaching the Ally
> Skills Workshops in several different open tech/culture communities and
> we hope more people will teach the workshop in the future. All the
> workshop materials, including the slides, presentation notes, workshop
> handouts, facilitator training guide, and video of a workshop, are
> available under the Creative Commons Attribution Sharealike license.
>     Why we decided to shut down the Ada Initiative
> In late 2014, after nearly four years of leading the Ada Initiative,
> co-founder Valerie Aurora wanted to step down as Executive Director and
> focus solely on running training programs. Our Deputy Executive Director
> and co-founder Mary Gardiner did not want to succeed Valerie as the
> Executive Director, and thus the board, in November 2014, launched a
> search for a new ED. After a long and thorough search which attracted
> more than 130 applicants, the board hired a new ED. Unfortunately, that
> hire didn't work out.
> That brought us to a decision point. It would have been unreasonable to
> expect Valerie and Mary to continue with the Ada Initiative forever. We
> considered running a second ED search, but it had become clear to the
> board that the success of the Ada Initiative was very much a product of
> its two founders, and was a direct result of their experiences, skills,
> strengths and passions. We felt the likelihood of finding a new ED who
> could effectively fit into Valerie's shoes was low. We also considered
> several other options for continuing the organization, including
> changing its programs, or becoming volunteer-only.
> After much deliberation, the board decided to do an orderly shutdown of
> the Ada Initiative, in which the organization would open source all of
> our remaining knowledge and expertise in freely reusable and modifiable
> form. We don't feel like non-profits need to exist forever. The Ada
> Initiative did a lot of great work, and we are happy about it.
>     What's next
> Ada Lovelace portrait
> Ada Lovelace portrait by Colin Adams, CC Zero/publicdomain
> The Ada Initiative will shut down in approximately mid-October after
> using our remaining funds to complete our current obligations and do the
> tasks necessary to shut down the organization properly. We have several
> Ally Skills Workshops booked or in the process of being booked during
> our remaining months of operation. (We will not be booking additional
> Ally Skills Workshops through the Ada Initiative, but we will refer
> clients to other people who are teaching the Ally Skills Workshop.) We
> will teach Impostor Syndrome training classes in Sydney and Oakland in
> August, and release the materials under the Creative Commons Attribution
> Sharealike license. We will do the work to keep the Ada Initiative's web
> content online and available after the Ada Initiative shuts down. We
> will complete the many legally required tasks to shut down a U.S.
> non-profit properly. If we have any funds left after completing these
> tasks, we will donate them to an aligned non-profit.
> We will cancel all recurring donations and stop accepting new donations
> as of today, and issue receipts for 2015 donations in September. Please
> do not pressure our donors or sponsors to contribute to the Ada
> Initiative. Pressuring them to give additional money is unethical and
> ungrateful to the many people and organizations who made the Ada
> Initiative's work possible over the last four and a half years. We are
> incredibly grateful to everyone who supported us, and we ask you to
> treat them with the respect and consideration they deserve.
>     Continuing the work of the Ada Initiative
> Everything that the Ada Initiative created with the help and support of
> our volunteers and donors is continuing on in some freely available,
> reusable, and modifiable form. The conference anti-harassment and
> community code of conduct work is fully in the hands of the community,
> with dozens of forks of various anti-harassment policies and codes of
> conduct in active use and development. The AdaCamp Toolkit makes all of
> the AdaCamp innovations available to anyone who wants to start a
> conference or improve an existing conference. Over 40 people are trained
> to lead the Ally Skills Workshop, materials for which are all available
> for free use and modification. The Impostor Syndrome training materials
> will soon be released under the Creative Commons Attribution Sharealike
> license for anyone to use or modify for free.
>     Future plans and next steps for Valerie and Mary
> Valerie still loves teaching the Ally Skills Workshop, and plans to
> start a for-profit training business teaching it and any other trainings
> she may develop. Mary will be looking for a new position based in
> Sydney, Australia, working in a leadership role with the right
> organization. Mary, Valerie, the board of directors, and the advisory
> board will be sad to no longer be working together directly, but value
> the relationships we built during our time together. We will always be
> immensely proud of the success of the Ada Initiative and proud of the
> work we did together.
> Mary and Valerie would welcome positive comments on the work of Ada
> Initiative and stories about how their work benefited you and your
> community. Please do not send advice or expressions of sadness for the
> end of the Ada Initiative.
>     Thank yous
> Photograph of Mary and Valerie
> Ada Initiative founders Mary Gardiner and Valerie Aurora
> We want to thank everyone who made the Ada Initiative's work possible.
> We could not possibly have accomplished what we did over the last four
> and a half years without incredible support from thousands of people. We
> thank:
>   * Our current and former staff
>   * Our many consultants
>   * Our current and former board members
>   * Our current and former advisors
>   * Our fundraising volunteers
>   * Our AdaCamp volunteers
>   * Our anonymous $100,000 donor
> <
> >
>   * Our Seed 100 donors
> <
> >
>   * Our many individual donors
> <
> >
>   * Our corporate sponsors
> <
> >
>   * Everyone who advocated for anti-harassment policies and codes of
> conduct
>   * Everyone who advocated for or attended Ally Skills Workshops
>   * Everyone who attended AdaCamp
>   * Everyone who helped our mission to support women in open technology
>     and culture
> Overall, the change in the environment for women in open technology and
> culture from 2011 to 2015 has been enormous. We're proud of the crucial
> part that the Ada Initiative's programs played in making this happen.
> Thousands of people - donors, supporters, workshop participants,
> AdaCampers - came together to improve the culture of open technology and
> culture communities, showing widespread support for continued change.
>     Continue to support women in open technology and culture
> You can still take action to support women in open technology and
> culture! Here are some of the things you can do:
>   * Sign up for or spread the word about the upcoming Impostor Syndrome
>     workshops in Oakland
> <
> or
>     Sydney
> <
> >
>   * Sign up for or spread the word about Ally Skills Workshops, eg at
>     LinuxCon Chicago
> <
> >
>   * Advocate for a code of conduct
> <
> in
>     your community
>   * Advocate for an anti-harassment policy
> <
> at
>     your conference
>   * Use the AdaCamp Toolkit
> <
> to
>     start new events or make existing events better
>   * Support women and other oppressed people entering your community
>     byimpostor syndrome-proofing it
> <
> >:
>     documenting your norms, providing mentoring for newcomers, and
>     encouraging a supportive style of collaboration.
>   * Suggest women or members of underrepresented groups to be speakers
>     and panelists at events you attend
>   * Support Outreachy
> <
> with
>     mentorship, sponsorship, or donation
>   * Support Black Girls Code
> <
> and
>     similar organizations
> <
> by
>     donating or volunteering
>   * Join or donate to feminist hackerspaces
> <
> >
>   * Ask your employer to support the Recurse Center
> <
> >
>   * Ask your employer to sponsor a feminist event for women in an open
>     technology and culture field
>   * Ask your employer to review their hiring process and their HR
>     practices to support employees who are women or members of other
>     underrepresented groups
>   * Ask your employer to run unconscious bias training
>   * Ask your employer to only sponsor events with anti-harassment policies
>   * Ask events you attend to adopt inclusive practices such as access
>     lanes, childcare and travel grants
>   * Push the Overton Window
> <
> by
>     advocating for "extreme" positions supporting women in open
>     technology and culture (remember: once, conference anti-harassment
>     policies were extreme)
>   * Start your own brand - start your own company or activist group
>     making change for women in open technology and culture
> Thank you everyone again for your hard work in support of women in open
> technology and culture. Together we can make a difference!
> <
> >
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