Hi all,
We have decided on a new name for the project - *Liminal*.
1.relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process.
2.occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold.

Please let us know if we can proceed with the voting process with this name.

Lior & the Liminal Team :)

Following the results we have found in Github & Trademarkia on this name:

I. GitHub search:
Total of 102 repositories. Below is a list of notable repositories :

1. psibr/LiminalityPowerful idiomatic state machines for .NET 8 C#.  8
stars. Updated 13 days ago
2. jonathanlilly/liminalA theme for scientific presentations using
Remark.js 5 HTML.  5 stars. Updated on Jan 9
3. rohailahmedkhan/LiminalVR-TribeSIT764/SIT782 3 C#. 3 stars. Updated on
May 26, 2019
4. sa-lee/liminal 3 R.  8 stars. Updated yesterday.
The goal of liminal is to provide diganostics and visual analytics for
understanding embedding algorithms such as tSNE

II. Trademark
11 active entries.

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