
As we discussed the Sedona proposal [1], I would like to call for a vote to
accept Sedona into the Apache Incubator.

Sedona is a big geospatial data processing engine. The system provides an
easy to use Scala, SQL, and Python APIs for spatial data scientists to
manage, wrangle, and process geospatial data. The system extends and builds
upon a popular cluster computing framework (Apache Spark) to provide

The final proposal can be found at

Please cast your vote:

  [ ] +1, yes, bring Sedona into Incubator
  [ ] 0, I don't care either way
  [ ] -1, no, do not bring Sedona into Incubator, because...

The vote will open for at least 72 hours and only votes from the IPMC
members are considered binding, but other votes are welcome!



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