We want to propose  DevLake[1]  as a new Apache Incubator project.

DevLake helps developer teams integrate and analyze software
development data throughout the software development life cycle
Specifically, DevLake provides:

* High-quality connectors that integrate data from various DevOps tools;
* A comprehensive and unified data model and metrics that enable
developers to easily query data and answer questions regarding their
development process;
* A plugin system that allows customizable data connectors and enrichers;
* An unified ETL management module that orchestrates data collection
and analysis.

I'd be happy to be the Champion of this project and many thanks to
Liang Zhang (zhangliang at apache dot org),Lidong Dai (lidongdai at apache
dot org),Sijie Guo (sijie at apache dot org) for being the mentor of  DevLake
project and helping us to polish the incubating proposal[2].

Looking forward to your feedback and thank you very much.


Willem Jiang

Twitter: willemjiang
Weibo: 姜宁willem

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