Hi Justin,

Thank you for your interest and kind words! It has come to my attention
that our current open source licensing doesn't quite meet the Apache way,
so I've taken this information back to my current team to review. What are
your thoughts on how teams normally proceed at this juncture?

I'm very excited about the educational projects we're currently working on
- they are still in strategizing phase so there's no code to review just
yet, but our plan is to create a learning module that will track credits,
and contain hooks for LMS/MOOC integration, with some small pieces that may
stand alone (we don't intend to completely create a robust LMS, there are
plenty of great open source options here!).

Nicole, Team Tendenci

On Wed, Aug 24, 2022 at 2:50 AM Justin Mclean <jus...@classsoftware.com>

> Hi,
> If you need a mentor to help the project I would be happy to help. I’m
> involved in the education sector ands it sounds like an interesting project.
> Kind Regards,
> Justin

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