
Internally the game tracks:
- Interest in the project
- Company committer membership. You'll note the starting message is slightly 
different depending on the company contributor mix you have. Mentors will also 
give you advice around the diversity of your committer base (in terms of 
belonging to a single company).
- Active committers
- Active contributors
- Progress towards the next release
- Bugs in the code base
- Number of interested users

All of these have some impact.

Possible end states for the incubator game include:
- Having no users
- Having no active committers
- Retiring due to lack of interest in the project
- Graduation

To graduate, you'll need to add 3 committers and make 3 releases.

The committer journey game [1] is a little more complex internally.

Kind Regards,

1. http://committer-journey.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com

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