I'm having troubles to reach www.openfabrics.org resp to download
ofed-1.2-rc5. Do I need to consider something else?

Mit freundlichen Gruessen/Kind Regards
Hoang-Nam Nguyen
Tel. +49-7031-16-3570, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

IBM Deutschland Entwicklung GmbH
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Martin Jetter
Geschaeftsfuehrung: Herbert Kircher
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Boeblingen
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Stuttgart, HRB 243294

             "Tziporet Koren"                                              
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             
             x.co.il>                                                   To 
             Sent by:                  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>         
             [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                          cc 
             .openfabrics.org          general@lists.openfabrics.org       
                                       [ewg] OFED 1.2 rc5 release          
             13.06.2007 16:25                                              


OFED 1.2-RC5 is available on
File: OFED-1.2-rc5.tgz
To get BUILD_ID run ofed_info

Please report any issues in bugzilla https://bugs.openfabrics.org/

The GA release is expected next Wed (June 20) based on RC5 tests

Tziporet & Vlad


Release information:

OS support:
    - SLES 9.0 SP3
    - SLES10
    - SLES10 SP1 RC5
    - Redhat EL4 up3, up4 and up5
    - Redhat EL5
    - 2.6.20
    - 2.6.19

Note: Fedora C6 and SuSE Pro 10 are not part of the official list.
We keep the backport patches for these OSes and make sure OFED compile
and loaded properly but will not do full QA cycle.

    * x86_64
    * x86
    * ia64
    * ppc64

Main changes from OFED-1.1-rc4:
1. Fixed 8 bugs (see attached for fixed issues)
2. Added support for SLES10 SP1 RC5 (tvflash is disabled for now)
3. Added support for iSER on RHEL 4
4. Updated documents - all owners please review to make sure docs of
your component is updated.

See bugzilla for all open issues.

Tasks that should be completed for the GA release:
1. Complete all documentation (release notes, README, etc.)
2. Run all QA tests on all platforms
(See attached file: rc5_fixed_bugs.csv)
ewg mailing list

Attachment: rc5_fixed_bugs.csv
Description: Binary data

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