David, I'm pretty sure dashes in property names don't work---at least, 
that's why I assumed I was having trouble with a "pub-type" property 
(without enclosing quotes) generated from a bibtex file.

David Huynh wrote:
> Exhibit's expressions (e.g., .author.school) are composed out of 
> property IDs, which cannot be arbitrary strings because they need to fit 
> into the expression syntax. They should not contain spaces, period, 
> exclamation mark, and parentheses. The expression parser was admitted 
> written in haste and will surely be replaced by something substantially 
> more robust. Right now, I'd recommend using only letters, numbers, 
> dashes, and underlines in property IDs. Full URIs used as property IDs 
> will almost certainly cause problems.
> I am aware of the error "'property' has no properties'" (which is caused 
> by improperly parsed property IDs) and will get to it eventually. Right 
> now, please go with "safe" property IDs and make sure that the property 
> IDs used in various Exhibit expressions actually exist in your data.
> If you want a nicer time debugging Exhibit, include it with bundle=false
>     <script src=".../exhibit-api.js?bundle=false"></script>
> This will give you individual files instead of the bundled .js file.
> Cheers,
> David
> carmen wrote:
>> On Sat Mar 17, 2007 at 11:13:34AM +0000, Keith Alexander wrote:
>>> Hi again folks,
>>> I realised that the semantic templating idea I discussed in my last post 
>>> to this list could also be applied to Exhibit's JSON database format, 
>>> and that this could provide a pretty neat bridge between an Exhibit and 
>>> an RDF database.
>> i tried doing this the other day, as i want to move the view generation in 
>> my RDF-based app-development framework to the client, since i am moving the 
>> server over to a minimal endpoint/glue(mongrel and redland) role. at this 
>> point i need a clientside model cache and template engine and some 
>> sorting/filtering, so i figured id just use Exhibit since its already 
>> written.
>> well i got close, but get errors like "'property' has no properties" deep in 
>> the bowels of the exhibit that i have no idea how to fix (line number of the 
>> error in firebug is for the console.print() function) - i read most of the 
>> it, and its a total JAVA clusterfuck - really smart people can often hold so 
>> much structure and abstraction in their head that the resulting solution is 
>> far from simple; couple that with the 'throw more classes at it' JAVA 
>> programmer mentality and its not hard to see how you ended up with a quarter 
>> meg (between the exhibit and simile-ajax libraries) just for some table 
>> sorting stuff which is way over the top - looking at integrating my ajax 
>> editors into this meant id have to use its idioms, and work within it's 
>> code, which is a no go (i dont make any claims to be a great programmer, but 
>> i had to read the JQuery source afterwards to settle down)..
>> still, i want to get it working, as an option especially when 'exporting' 
>> the data for serverless exhibit purposes..
>> i'm just using absolute URIs for all the properties to start with since i 
>> figured it could handle arbitrary strings. is that the problem? 
>> it should also be noted that metaweb uses basically the same format as 
>> exhibit and mentioned on 
>> http://semwebdev.keithalexander.co.uk/blog/posts/Exhibit-JSON.html . JSON 
>> pattern for query, a similar pattern back to substitute into a clientside 
>> template. where Exhibit uses string predicates, MQL uses absolute paths like 
>> /cars/modelyear and RDFa uses namespaced or absolute URIs... so theres a lot 
>> of overlap and it should be trivial to make any tool support all three..
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