On 22/03/2017 14:34, Hogren wrote:

Anybody knows why ~/.bashrc is not running on the first Bash opening ?

Steps to reproduce my problem:

- I boot up my machine (systemd)

- I have the login prompt

- I enter my login, then my password

- I am in Bash but ~/.bashrc is not sourced. Aliases, $PATH, and other
are not updated.

- I enter the command "bash" to enter in a subshell. Now I have my new
aliases, $PATH, etc. The ~/.bashrc is sourced.

I didn't find the good conf file.

man bash, section INVOCATION.

Study it and study it well. bash does not do with it's startup files what you probably assume it does.

Read it, read it again, read it three times. Read and understand what is actually there.

Alan McKinnon

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