On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 09:26:05PM +0200, Dan Johansson wrote

> Host has a default-gateway of
> Now I want to send all traffic from this host to destination-tcp-port 80 
> to gateway instead (the host has a second interface with the 
> address as well).
> I only want the traffic to port 80 to go thru this GW (and then to its 
> final destination).
> And port 80 is just an example, it could be port 12345 as well.
> Is this possible? If yes, any suggestion on how to do it?

  Use the FORWARD table (yes, it's built-in).  You'll need to divert
those packets from that source with "--dport 80" (i.e. destination port
80) from regular output to the built-in FORWARD table.

  iptables -A OUTPUT --source --dport 80 -j FORWARD

  Step 2) I'm not familiar with the FORWARD table (never used it), but I
assume that you can specify stuff in it about where to forward.

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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