>> > My laptop's 13" screen has a native resolution of 3200x1800 which
>> > makes everything crazy small on-screen.  Is there a good method for
>> > telling Xorg or xfce4 to compensate, or should I one-at-a-time my
>> > applications?  I can adjust the resolution down but it makes the
>> > colors look weird.
>> After some more research, it turns out this is a pretty well-known
>> problem on the Linux desktop (it's called HiDPI) without a good
>> solution... except for this:
>> https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=159064
>> https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=94816
>> The solution is to patch xrandr with the capability to do nearest
>> neighbor filtering and run xrandr like this:
>> xrandr --output eDP1 --mode "3200x1800" --scale "0.5x0.5"
>> It works great.
> I don't see how it can be called great. This is pretty much losing most
> of the benefits you have with a HiDPI screen, by just making it be
> almost the same as a 1600x900 screen, except the scaling involves some
> nearest neighbor filtering, which sometimes might be good, sometimes
> bad, and never as good as rendering things in HiDPI.
> For HiDPI you want the toolkit to support it properly and configure it
> as such. GTK+3 is such a toolkit, but outside of GNOME (where it works
> out of the box), I don't know what exactly it takes to set things up.
> Plus you'll need a solution for your gtk2/whatever other things,
> preferably one that doesn't make things worse for gtk3 things, like
> that xrandr hack does.
> Probably something like
> gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface scaling-factor 2
> combined with something for the other stuff that doesn't mess with the
> former.
> Outside GNOME, maybe exporting GDK_SCALE=2 works, if the dconf setting
> isn't honored outside it.

I hope you'll agree that sounds like a mess.

When I said it was great I meant in comparison to running 3200x1800
with defaults (unusable) or running 1600x900 (blurry and hard to look
at).  Admittedly this is not a good place for Linux desktop to be.

Is there a good way to run xrandr when X starts so it doesn't have to
be run per user and will apply to lightdm?

- Grant

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