Have you looked at dev-tcltk/expect?

There's possibly an example you could try at <https://www.journaldev.com/1405/expect-script-ssh-example-tutorial> although you probably want to prompt for the password or retreive it programatically rather than putting it on the command line :o


On 14/07/2022 07:35, J. Roeleveld wrote:
Hi All,

I am looking for a way to login to a host and automatically change to root
using a password provided by an external program.

The root passwords are stored in a vault and I can get passwords out using a
script after authenticating.

Currently, I need to do a lot of the steps manually:
ssh <user>@<host>
su -
(copy/paste password from vault)

I would like to change this to:
<some-script> <host>

Does anyone have any hints on how to achieve this without adding a "NOPASSWD"
entry into /etc/sudoers ?

Thanks in advance,


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