Am Sun, Apr 16, 2023 at 01:22:32PM -0700 schrieb Mark Knecht:
> Frank,
>    Thank you for the in-depth explanation.
>    I need to do some study before commenting further other than to say
> so far I'm finding different comments depending on whether it's
> an SSD or an M.2 drive.

Uhm, I think you mix up some terms here. An M.2 drive *is* an SSD 
(literally, as the name says, a solid state drive). By “SSD”, did you mean 
the classic laptop form factor for SATA HDDs and SSDs?

Because M.2 is also only a physical form factor. It supports both NVMe and 
SATA. While NVMe is more modern and better suited for solid state media and 
their properties, in the end it is still only a data protocol to transfer 
data to and fro.

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