Am Sun, Apr 30, 2023 at 10:03:01AM +0800 schrieb William Kenworthy:

> > > That
> > > said btrfs has its less than stellar moments.  I still have systems that 
> > > use
> > > ext4 and they "seem" reliable for light duty but I make sure I have 
> > > backups
> > > and do not trust them with anything important - been bitten too many 
> > > times!
> > In what kind of situations did you encounter these problems?
> Also a fixed number of nodes. on creation (annoying and sometimes 
> disastrous when it runs out - think lots of small files like mail 
> storage),

That would be my biggest concern, especially back in the day when I had 
rather limited hardware resources. I was “haggling” with myself as to how 
many inodes I would really need. These days I’m more generous, but still 
modify the inodes count when formatting a partition. See Dale’s recent SSD 

> power outages cause what seems like silent corruption that builds up.  I 
> will admit ext4 does seem better these days but I am not a fan.

OK, that I’ve never had. Maybe a few forced shutdowns because the machine 
hung up (e.g. memory full or a botched wake from suspend).

> How do you find f2fs? - I lose (wear out I guess) SD cards on raspberry pi
> and Odroid systems on a regular basis with any of the mainstream filesystems
> - using them as a boot drive only extends their life, but that's not always
> possible.

Well, no problems so far. But I’m not stress-testing it, it just runs™. The 
Pi is just a simple pihole/radicale/nextcloud server with not much traffic 
and the data card in my surface just holds my music collection. The only 
“issue” I currently encounter is some warning messages on Arch when I do a 
system update. I can’t remember the exact error, but it’s just a warning 
about some feature.

The Arch wiki says: “F2FS has a weak fsck that can lead to data loss in case 
of a sudden power loss [3][4]. If power losses are frequent, consider an 
alternative file system.“

OTOH, Google is now using f2fs in Android data partitions. Before that, it 
was ext4. :-)

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